My VBAC birth story
My VBAC Birth Story: Welcoming Beau William
by Sheridan Adams, August 29, 2024
First Birth of Lily Kate 🤍
Reflecting on my journey to motherhood, my first birth experience with my daughter, Lily, taught me a lot about resilience and letting go of expectations. For Lily's birth, I prepared with an online hypnobirthing class, daily stretches, and 2-3 km walks. When labor came, it was a challenging 36-hour journey that ultimately led to an emergency C-section due to fetal distress. This birth experience left me with postnatal anxiety, and a strong drive to prepare differently for my next birth.
Second Birth: Welcoming Beau William 🤍
For my second pregnancy, I committed to a holistic approach with a dedicated team and practices that aligned with my desire for a VBAC (Vaginal Birth After Cesarean). My preparation included:
- A private 1:1 hypnobirthing class with Amy Jurd
- Weekly chiropractor visits from 34 weeks
- Weekly acupuncture sessions from 36 weeks
- Pregnancy Pilates, core floor restore antenatal classes, and Spinning Babies exercises
- MGP continuity of care for personalized midwifery support
- Inspiration and encouragement from VBAC podcasts, including Australia Birth Stories, and reading other women's VBAC experiences online
The Birth Story of Beau
It was early on Sunday, September 17th, at 1:30 a.m., when I woke to strong, rhythmic surges, though brief and spaced apart. Later that morning, they subsided, making me wonder if it was just a false alarm. I rested, practiced the miles circuit positions, and relaxed with lavender in the diffuser while Josh, my husband, read the fear release affirmations from our hypnobirthing materials. As I cycled through positions and distractions, the surges would come and go, each one bringing both anticipation and uncertainty.
By late afternoon, we went for a walk around the block, and as I did curb walking, the surges returned stronger. I felt an intense need to see Lily, who was at my parents’ house, and somehow her presence gave me a rush of calm and love.
As soon as we got home around 7:30 p.m., the contractions became more intense, and by 11:30 p.m., they were consistently three to four minutes apart. I woke Josh to call the midwife, who advised we stay home until we felt ready. I felt an instinct to sit in Lily’s room, surrounded by her gentle night light, where I focused on my breathing and stayed calm.
Around 12:30 a.m., after a sudden urge to go to the bathroom, my body began to shake with adrenaline. I knew it was time. We drove to the hospital, and I was brought to the birthing suite by 1:30 a.m.
In the calm of that room, with Josh setting up our music and diffuser, I felt the urge to push. As I rested between surges, I leaned forward on the bed, fully supported by the gentle guidance of the midwives, who encouraged me to trust my body.
Within moments, the sensation intensified, and I moved to the floor. With each surge, I felt Beau moving closer, and finally, I experienced the ring of fire—an overwhelming moment of intensity—as Beau’s head emerged. Supported by Josh and the midwife, Beau was born with part of the sac still covering his head, his first cry filling the room as he was placed in my arms. Born at 3:20 a.m. on September 18, 2023, he was perfect.
After delayed cord clamping and a natural placenta birth, I felt a sense of calm and gratitude like never before. I held Beau close, in awe of what we’d accomplished together, surrounded by my husband and mother, who had been by my side throughout the journey. The birth was unmedicated and intervention-free, a testament to the strength of my body, mind, and the support I received.
After some precious moments, the midwife assessed my perineum, and despite the peaceful birth, I required stitches for a second-degree tear. Although the procedure was painful, I was comforted by holding a teddy 'Moo Moo' from Lily and the reassurance of Josh & Mum.
By 7:00 a.m., I was up, showered, and ready to walk Beau to the maternity ward myself, filled with gratitude and pride for this experience.
This birth was everything I had hoped for—calm, safe, and completely supported. I am deeply grateful for my husband, my mother, and the incredible team around me, who honored my body, my choices, and my vision for this birth.
Thank you for reading my VBAC story. For all mothers on their journey, I hope this story offers insight, encouragement, and a reminder of the strength you carry within.